Contoh Short Story Bergenre Horror Dan Artinya

Contoh Short Story Bergenre Horror  Dan Terjemahannya

Halo sobat IBI….

Pada kesempatan  kali ini IBI akan membahas perihal pola short story bergenre horror. Kata horror sendiri identik dengan sesuatu yang menjadikan perasaan ngeri atau takut yang amat sangat. Dengn kata lain kita akan membahas perihal dongeng pendek tentaang sesuatu yang bersifat angker dan menakutkan. Langsung saja taanpa menunggu lama kita simak misalnya berikut ini.

Contoh Short Story Bergenre Horror  Dan Terjemahannya Contoh Short Story Bergenre Horror Dan Artinya
Contoh Short Story Bergenre Horror Dan Terjemahannya

Contoh Horror Short Story

contoh 1

Unpleasant Sailing

Jason Lyman, his wife, Barbara, and their friends, John and Susan Dunne left Bermuda in Jason’s boat for a trip to Miami.

While Jason drove the boat, John looked at maps, and Barbara and Susan lay on the deck enjoying the sun.

John went to Jason with a map of the course they had to take to get to Miami. “Hey, Jason, look at this, “John said and put a map on the console in front of Jason. “We’re sailing on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle.”

“Is that a problem?” Jason asked.

“Haven’t you ever heard of the Devil’s Triangle?”

“Yeah, John, I’ve heard of it. It’s the Bermuda Triangle. So what? Are you worried?”

“Yeah, I’m worried. The stories are something to think about. Ships and people have disappeared in the Triangle, and, yeah, I’m worried. A lot has been written about the Devil’s triangle, and I don’t think the stories were made up. I suppose you think the stories were made up?”

“Yes. I think the stories were made up. Do you think a monster of some sort lives in the ocean and waits for ships to sail its waters, a ship like this one, and comes out of the water and pulls the ships into the water and eats all the people on board?” Jason said mocking John.

“Okay, mock me.”

After an hour out, the wind picked up.

“One minute it was sunny and calm and the next minute the wind is blowing us all over the place,” Jason yelled over the roar of the wind.

“This damn wind is pushing us off course,” John yelled as he held tightly to the wheel.

“I don’t like this,” Jason shouted. “I think it’s time for everybody to put on life jackets,” he said, and gave life jackets to the girls.

Everybody had life jackets on as the wind picked up, and the boat was tossed around like it was a toy. “The wind is unbelievable,” John shouted and strained to hold the wheel steady as he turned on the radio. “This is Lady Grace somewhere off Bermuda. Winds are high. My boat is being battered by huge waves. I don’t know where we are. Is anybody listening? Can anyone hear me?” he yelled. “Nobody is receiving my call.”

The boat spun around throwing John, Jason, and the women against the sides of the boat.

John rushed to the wheel that spun like a top and held on to it. “I don’t think this boat is going to be in one piece much longer,” John warned. “Make sure your life jackets are secure.”

As they were tossed around, a huge wave swamped the boat and the four were washed overboard. As they tried to reach each other, a giant, muscular, hairy humanoid, humanoid to its waist and fish from the waist down, came out of the water and slapped its huge, thirty-foot fish tail, on the water causing high waves. The people in the water screamed as the creature looked at them, and they gasped as the creature put Jason in its mouth, chewed him up, and swallowed him. They tried to swim away, but the creature grabbed the others, put them all in its mouth, chewed for several moments and then swallowed them. After eating the four people, it smashed the boat with its tail and then retreated back in the water. About ten minutes later, the wind stopped and the sea was calm.

Like Jason, John, Jason should have been worried, because Jason’s mocking words were prophetic. “Do you think a monster of some sort lives in the ocean and waits for ships to sail its waters, a ship like this one, and comes out of the water and pulls the ships into the water and eats all the people on board?”

The End


 Pelayaran Tidak Menyenangkan

Jason Lyman, istrinya, Barbara, dan teman-teman mereka, John dan Susan Dunne Bermuda kiri di Jason perahu untuk perjalanan ke Miami.

Sementara Jason melaju perahu, Yohanes melihat peta, dan Barbara dan Susan berbaring di geladak menikmati sinar matahari.

Yohanes pergi ke Jason dengan peta tentu saja mereka harus mengambil untuk mendapatkan ke Miami. “Hei, Jason, melihat ini,“John berkata dan mengenakan peta konsol di depan Jason. “Kami sedang berlayar di tepi Segitiga Bermuda.”

“Apakah itu masalah?” Jason bertanya.

“Belum pernah mendengar Devil’s Triangle?”

“Ya, John, aku pernah mendengar itu. Ini adalah Segitiga Bermuda. Lalu apa? Apakah Anda khawatir?”

“Ya, aku khawatir. Cerita-cerita adalah sesuatu untuk dipikirkan. Kapal dan orang telah menghilang di segitiga, dan, ya, saya khawatir. Banyak telah ditulis tentang Devil’s triangle, dan saya tidak berpikir cerita-cerita yang dibuat. Saya kira Anda berpikir cerita-cerita itu terdiri?”

“Ya. Saya pikir cerita-cerita yang dibuat. Apakah Anda pikir rakasa semacam hidup di laut dan menunggu kapal-kapal berlayar airnya, kapal seperti ini, dan keluar dari air dan menarik kapal ke dalam air dan makan semua orang di papan?” Jason mengatakan mengejek John.

“Oke, mengejek saya.”

Setelah satu jam keluar, angin mengambil.

“Satu menit itu cerah dan tenang dan menit berikutnya ke angin bertiup kita semuatempat,” Jason berteriak atas gemuruh angin.

“Angin sialan ini mendorong kita tentu,” John berteriak karena ia memegang erat-erat ke roda.

“Aku tidak seperti ini,” Jason berteriak. “Saya pikir sudah waktunya bagi semua orang untuk mengenakan jaket,” ia berkata, dan memberikan jaket untuk gadis-gadis.

Semua orang telah jaket sebagai angin dijemput, dan perahu itu terombangambing seperti itu adalah mainan. “Angin luar biasa,” John berteriak dan tegang untuk memegang roda stabil ketika ia berpaling di radio. “Ini adalah anugerah Lady di suatu tempat dari Bermuda. Angin tinggi. Perahu usang oleh gelombang besar. Saya tidaktahu mana kita berada. Siapa saja yang mendengar? Bisa siapa pun mendengarsaya?”dia berteriak. “Tidak ada yang menerima panggilan saya.”

Perahu berputar di sekitar melempar John, Jason dan perempuan terhadap sisi perahu.

John bergegas ke roda yang berputar seperti gasing dan memegang itu. “Saya tidakberpikir kapal ini akan menjadi dalam satu potongan lebih lama,” Yohanes memperingatkan. “Pastikan Anda jaket aman.”

Seperti yang telah mereka terombang-ambing, ombak besar sibuk bahtera dan empat dicuci ke laut. Ketika mereka mencoba untuk mencapai satu sama lain, humanoid yang raksasa, otot, berbulu, makhluk manusia ke pinggang dan ikan dari pinggangke bawah, keluar dari air dan menampar ikan besar, kaki tiga puluh ekor, di atas air yang menyebabkan gelombang tinggi. Orang-orang di air berteriak sebagai makhluk memandang mereka, dan mereka terkesiap sebagai makhluk menempatkan Jasondalam mulutnya, dikunyah dia dan menelan Syetan. Mereka mencoba untuk berenang menjauh, tapi makhluk meraih yang lainnya, menempatkan mereka semua dalam mulutnya, dikunyah untuk beberapa saat dan kemudian menelan mereka. Setelahmakan empat orang, ini menghancurkan perahu dengan ekor dan kemudian mundur kembali ke dalam air. Sekitar sepuluh menit kemudian, angin berhenti dan laut tenang.

Seperti Jason, Yohanes, Jason seharusnya khawatir, karena kata-kata Jason mengejek kenabian. “Apakah Anda pikir rakasa semacam hidup di laut dan menunggu kapal-kapal berlayar airnya, kapal seperti ini, dan keluar dari air dan menarik kapal ke dalam air dan makan semua orang di papan?”


contoh 2

Half Souls

They walked towards the house, as it began to rain. Behind them, the remains of their car burnt mildly, until the rain put out the fire. Cynthia looked at Sam and then at the house. They were stranded, but the house didn’t seem like an option she should take.

The house stood a few feet off the road. It stood tall, casting an imposing shadow on the trees that stood to its right.

Lightning struck and lit up the house for a second. Cynthia grabbed onto Sam’s hand. The vines that curled round the house scared her.

“I don’t like the feel of this place,” Cynthia said.

Sam looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes. He smiled.

“There’s no need to fear,” he replied. He tried to assure her that she was safe.

The last house they saw was more than four miles back and the road ahead looked deserted. Their only shelter from the rain was in the house they now stared at.

Sam dragged the bags as he continued toward the house. Cynthia tagged along unwillingly. In the house, a light appeared at the top window. It lingered for a minute, and then it disappeared.

“Someone is home,” Sam said.

Cynthia looked at Sam, then at the house and back at Sam. The light appeared by the window a second time, and Sam could see the frame of a woman. He tried to wave at her, but the light disappeared again.

The stairs creaked as Sam and Cynthia climbed to the front door. Sam knocked on the door while Cynthia looked around them.

By the northern side of the house, Cynthia saw a swing move up and down as if someone sat on it. Lightning struck and Cynthia saw a child on the swing. The child stared at her.

“Sam!” Cynthia gasped.

The door swung open, and Cynthia turned to see a woman standing by it. She stood, holding a lamp in her hand and staring at them. Her hair was gray, and her left eye was a mass ball of white tissue. Cynthia stared at the woman. The woman smiled coldly, revealing a set of brown teeth.

“Welcome to Half Souls Inn,” the woman announced.

She shifted to her side, giving Cynthia and Sam room to walk in. Cynthia looked back at the swing but couldn’t find it. The swing was gone. In its place was a pool of water. Cynthia stared at it in fear. She failed to notice time pass.

Sam called Cynthia a second time before she realized they were waiting for her. The woman stared at her calmly. Cynthia looked at Sam, then at the road. The rain was becoming heavy. She hesitated for a moment, then sighed and stepped into the house. The woman closed the door.

Inside the house, the woman walked with them to the desk that stood by the stairs. The interior of the house looked a bit pretty. Sam looked at Cynthia and smiled. She smiled back weakly. The woman explained that their electricity supply had a little problem but would soon be fixed. Sam had no problem with that. He just needed a place to rest his head and change into some dry clothes. By morning of the next day, they would be on their way home.

Cynthia looked around her. Lamps hung on the walls and up the stairs. Underneath each lamp, she saw the portrait of people hanging in frames. Beside her, Sam reached into his pocket and drew out his wallet. He fished inside it for the amount required and paid the woman. As the woman handed the key to Sam, Cynthia saw the people in the picture look at them.

“Oh God!” Cynthia gasped, as she turned towards Sam, grabbing his arm. The woman stared at her coldly. Cynthia wanted to get out of the house, but Sam would not move.

“Come on, it was just the light casting shadows,” Sam said as they climbed the stairs.

The woman walked before them, as she escorted them to their room. Behind her, Cynthia tried to control her fear.

At their door, the woman asked if they would need anything. Sam said they were fine. The woman nodded in understanding, and then descended the stairs.

Sam gently closed the door and turned to look at the room. The room didn’t look bad. Aside the bed, there was a table by the wall and a lamp on it. The bed was well made and the sheets were clean. Cynthia stood by the wall, with her arms wrapped around her. Sam smiled at her. With time, she would see that there is nothing to fear.

Cynthia saw that Sam’s mind was made up. She walked towards the bathroom, to take a look at it, while Sam threw the bag on the bed and opened it.

“Sweet,” Sam called from the room. “I seem to have forgotten my bath bag downstairs.”

Cynthia rushed out of the bathroom as Sam closed the door and descended the stairs. She walked to the door and pulled it open. She was not going to stay alone in the room.

Instead of the stairs, a brick wall stood before Cynthia. She stepped back into the room, looking around her. A portrait hung on the wall, by the bed. The woman in it stared directly at her. Cynthia stepped to her right and watched the woman’s stare move with her. Terrified, she walked backwards, further into the room. The woman still stared at her.

Cynthia stopped.  Someone stood behind her. On her shoulder, a drop of blood fell, followed by two more. She slowly turned around.

Her terrified scream never left her lips. Cynthia fell to the ground, a pile of charred flesh. On the stairs, a new painting appeared with Cynthia’s face on it.


Downstairs, Sam stood confused. The reception hall was no more. He stood in a hallway longer than the house could possibly accommodate. Down the hallway, a baby cried from one of the rooms within the house.

“Hello!” Sam called as he walked down the hallway, toward the cry.

Along the hallway, Sam found vacant rooms with open doors and blood stained walls. The cry of the baby became louder. He got to the room and found it open too. Inside the room, a woman attended to the baby. She turned and stared at Sam coldly. Sam apologized for intruding and almost turned back into the hallway. He noticed blood drip down the woman’s neck and looked closely.

“Is everything alright,” Sam asked as he stepped into the room. A chair stood in his way. He bent down and shifted it to the side, then stood erect to look at the woman. The woman and the baby were gone.

Sam walked further into the room, confused. He turned back towards the door and gasped. The woman stood before him, with the baby in her arms. The door slammed shut. Sam looked at the door, then at her. She looked up from the baby to Sam’s face and smiled coldly.

“You belong to us, now.”

The lamp in the room went off.


Jiwa-jiwa yang setengah

Mereka berjalan menuju rumah, seperti hujan mulai. Di belakang mereka, sisa darimobil mereka dibakar, sampai hujan memadamkan api. Cynthia tampak di Sam dankemudian di rumah. Mereka terdampar, namun rumah tidak tampak seperti dia harus mengambil.

Rumah berdiri beberapa kaki dari jalan. Berdiri tinggi, casting bayangan mengesankan di pohon-pohon yang berdiri untuk hak.

Petir menghantam dan menerangi rumah untuk kedua. Cynthia menyambar ke Samtangan. Tanaman merambat yang meringkuk putaran rumah takut padanya.

“Saya tidak suka merasakan tempat ini,” kata Cynthia.

Sam memandangnya dan melihat ketakutan di matanya. Dia tersenyum.

“Ada tidak perlu takut,” Dia menjawab. Dia mencoba untuk meyakinkan dia bahwadia adalah aman.

Rumah terkini mereka melihat lebih dari empat mil kembali dan jalan ke depan tampak lengang. Mereka hanya berlindung dari hujan pada rumah mereka sekarang menatap.

Sam menyeret tas sebagai dia terus ke arah rumah. Cynthia tagged bersama enggan. Di rumah, cahaya yang muncul di atas jendela. Bertahan selama satu menit, dan kemudian menghilang.

“Seseorang rumah,” kata Sam.

Cynthia tampak di Sam, maka di rumah dan kembali di Sam. Cahaya muncul di jendela kedua kalinya, dan Sam bisa melihat frame dari seorang wanita. Ia mencoba untuk gelombang padanya, tapi cahaya menghilang lagi.

Tangga creaked sebagai Sam dan Cynthia mendaki ke pintu depan. Sam mengetukpintu sementara Cynthia memandang sekeliling mereka.

Di sisi utara rumah, Cynthia melihat ayunan bergerak naik dan turun seolaholah seseorang duduk di atasnya. Petir menghantam dan Cynthia melihat seorang anak di ayunan. Anak menatapnya.

“Sam!” Cynthia terkesiap.

Pintu berayun terbuka, dan Cynthia berpaling untuk melihat seorang wanita yang berdiri oleh itu. Dia berdiri, memegang lampu di tangannya dan menatap mereka. Rambut abu-abu, dan mata kirinya adalah bola massa putih jaringan. Cynthia menatappada wanita. Wanita itu tersenyum dingin, mengungkapkan satu set gigi cokelat.

“Selamat setengah jiwa Inn,” wanita itu diumumkan.

Dia bergeser ke sisinya, memberi ruang Cynthia dan Sam untuk berjalan di. Cynthiakembali menatap ayunan tapi tidak bisa menemukannya. Ayunan sudah hilang. Di tempatnya adalah kolam air. Cynthia menatap ini dalam ketakutan. Dia gagal untukmelihat waktu berlalu.

Sam disebut Cynthia kedua waktu sebelum ia menyadari bahwa mereka sedang menunggu dia. Perempuan menatapnya dengan tenang. Cynthia tampak di Sam, kemudian di jalan. Hujan menjadi berat. Dia ragu-ragu sejenak, kemudian mendesah danmelangkah ke dalam rumah. Wanita menutup pintu.

Di dalam rumah, wanita berjalan dengan mereka ke meja yang berdiri oleh tangga. Interior rumah tampak sedikit cukup. Sam memandang Cynthia dan tersenyum. Dia tersenyum kembali lemah. Perempuan itu menjelaskan bahwa pasokan listrik merekapunya sedikit masalah tapi akan segera diperbaiki. Sam tidak punya masalah dengan itu. Dia hanya perlu tempat untuk beristirahat kepala dan berubah menjadi beberapa pakaian yang kering. Pada pagi hari berikutnya, mereka akan di sepanjang perjalanan pulang.

Cynthia memandang sekelilingnya. Lampu digantung di dinding dan menaiki tangga. Di bawah setiap lampu, ia melihat potret orang-orang yang tergantung di frame.Selain dirinya, Sam merogoh kantongnya dan menarik keluar dalam dompet. Dia Memancing di dalamnya untuk jumlah yang diperlukan dan dibayar perempuan. Sebagai wanita menyerahkan kunci kepada Sam, Cynthia melihat orang-orang di tampilan gambar mereka.

“Oh Tuhan!” Cynthia terkesiap, seperti ia menoleh ke arah Sam, meraih lengannya. Perempuan menatapnya dingin. Cynthia ingin keluar dari rumah, tapi Sam tidak akanbergerak.

“Datang, itu hanya cahaya pengecoran bayangan,” Sam mengatakan ketika merekamenaiki tangga.

Wanita berjalan sebelum mereka, seperti yang dia mengantar mereka ke kamar mereka. Di belakangnya, Cynthia mencoba untuk mengontrol rasa takut.

Pada pintu mereka, wanita bertanya jika mereka akan perlu apa-apa. Sam mengatakan mereka baik-baik saja. Wanita mengangguk dalam pemahaman, dan kemudian turun tangga.

Lembut Sam menutup pintu dan berpaling untuk melihat di ruang. Kamar tidak terlihat buruk. Selain tempat tidur, ada meja di dinding dan lampu di atasnya. Tempat tidur dibuat dengan baik dan sangat ramah. Cynthia berdiri oleh dinding, dengan lengannya yang dibungkus sekelilingnya. Sam tersenyum padanya. Dengan waktu, diaakan melihat bahwa ada tidak perlu takut.

Cynthia melihat bahwa Sam pikiran dibuat. Dia berjalan menuju kamar mandi, untukmelihat hal itu, sementara Sam melemparkan tas di tempat tidur dan membukanya.

“Manis,” Sam disebut dari kamar. “Saya tampaknya lupa mandi tas bawah.”

Cynthia bergegas keluar dari kamar mandi seperti Sam menutup pintu dan turun tangga. Dia berjalan ke pintu dan menariknya terbuka. Dia tidak akan tinggal sendirian di kamar.

Daripada tangga, tembok bata merah berdiri di hadapan Cynthia. Dia melangkah kembali ke kamar, melihat sekelilingnya. Potret digantung di dinding, tempat tidur. Wanita dalam menatapnya langsung. Cynthia melangkah ke kanan Nya dan menyaksikan wanita tatapan bergerak dengannya. Ketakutan, ia berjalan mundur, lebih lanjutke dalam kamar. Wanita masih menatapnya.

Cynthia berhenti. 

Seseorang berdiri di belakangnya. Pada bahunya, setetes darah jatuh, diikuti oleh dua. Ia perlahan-lahan berbalik.

Menjerit ketakutan tidak pernah meninggalkan bibirnya. Cynthia jatuh ke tanah, tumpukan daging hangus. Pada tangga, lukisan baru muncul dengan wajah dariarthurdi atasnya.


Lantai bawah, Sam berdiri bingung. Aula resepsi adalah tidak lebih. Ia berdiri di lorong waktu lebih lama daripada rumah mungkin bisa mengakomodasi. Menyusuri lorong, seorang bayi menangis dari salah satu kamar dalam rumah.

“Halo!” Sam disebut ketika ia berjalan menyusuri lorong, ke arah teriakan.

Sepanjang lorong, Sam ditemukan kosong kamar dengan membuka pintu dan tembok bebercak darah. Tangisan bayi menjadi lebih keras. Ia sampai ke kamar dan menemukan terbuka juga. Di dalam Ruangan, seorang wanita menghadiri untuk bayi.Dia berbalik dan menatap Sam dingin. Sam meminta mengganggu dan hampir berbalik kembali ke lorong. Ia melihat darah menetes ke bawah leher wanita dan memandang erat.

“Adalah segala sesuatu baik-baik saja,” Sam bertanya karena ia melangkah ke dalamkamar. Kursi yang berdiri di jalan. Dia membungkuk dan bergeser ke samping, kemudian berdiri tegak untuk melihat wanita. Perempuan dan bayi itu pergi.

Sam berjalan jauh ke ruang, bingung. Dia berbalik kembali kearah pintu dan terkesiap. Wanita berdiri di depannya, dengan bayi dalam pelukannya. Pintu terbanting menutup. Sam memandang pintu, kemudian pada dirinya. Dia mendongak dari bayi ke Sam wajah dan tersenyum dingin.

“Anda termasuk kita, sekarang.”

Lampu di kamar meledak.


Demikian yang sanggup IBI sampaikan supaya apa  yang telah disampaikan sanggup bermanfaat  dijadikan materi berguru bahasa inggris sobat IBI semua.

” Tetap Semangat”




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